Debt Collection Litigation and Judgment Collection

We strongly pre­fer to resolve debt col­lec­tion mat­ters with­out going to court, and we do this on the majority of our suc­cess­ful claims. How­ever, we do not hes­i­tate to go to court when that is the only viable or accept­able alter­na­tive. As a result, we are fil­ing law­suits on a reg­u­lar basis.

We have devel­oped a net­work of debt col­lec­tion attor­neys in all the areas we cover who will work for us on a con­tin­gency basis. In most cases, the law­suit needs to be filed where the debtor is located which neces­si­tates hav­ing this net­work. Hav­ing debt col­lec­tion attor­neys who will work on a con­tin­gency basis gives our clients a huge advan­tage when lit­i­ga­tion is required. It allows us to keep the costs low for our clients while debtors will have to pay their attor­neys on an hourly basis. This typ­i­cally puts sig­nif­i­cant pres­sure on the debtor to resolve the mat­ter or alter­na­tively, allow us to get a default judg­ment and then pro­ceed to the judg­ment col­lec­tion phase.

We never lit­i­gate with­out the client’s writ­ten instruc­tions to pro­ceed to court. We get you a firm and fixed quote based on the specifics of your par­tic­u­lar claim.

We believe that the pri­mary fac­tor to eval­u­ate when con­sid­er­ing going to court is Return on Invest­ment. We care­fully eval­u­ate the poten­tial costs and the like­li­hood of actu­ally col­lect­ing to help our clients under­stand the poten­tial return on invest­ment for debt col­lec­tion lit­i­ga­tion and we com­pare this to the other alter­na­tives available.

We man­age the lit­i­ga­tion process and the debt col­lec­tion attor­neys for our clients and pro­vide rec­om­men­da­tions at each step along the way.


Judg­ment Collection

Being successful the law­suit (which we do 99.9% of the time) is just the first step. Once we have a judg­ment, we have to collect.

We man­age the debt col­lec­tion attor­neys and the judg­ment col­lec­tion process for our clients. We use our expe­ri­ence to make sure that the proper steps are being taken within the appro­pri­ate time frames. We eval­u­ate all alter­na­tives for our clients and give rec­om­men­da­tions on how to pro­ceed. Our in house attorneys work closely with our net­work of col­lec­tion attor­neys as required by each indi­vid­ual case.

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Tel: +357 22 46 55 00

Fax: +357 22 33 85 00

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  • 12, Demostheni Severi Av.
    Office 601, 6th Floor 1080 Nicosia, Cyprus
  • 4 Valaoritou Street,
    1st Floor, Kolonaki, 10671, Athens, Greece

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