Debt Collectors

The debt col­lec­tors at Americanos Debt Collection Management (ACM Limited) are highly trained pro­fes­sion­als. They are experts at com­mer­cial col­lec­tions with an impressive suc­cess rate. There is No Fee unless we collect.

Our debt col­lec­tors have:

  • 20+ years of col­lec­tion and busi­ness experience
  • Highly educated with legal and finacne degrees
  • Exper­tise in large com­mer­cial col­lec­tion claims
  • The abil­ity to take a cus­tom approach on each claim

Americanos Debt Collection Management (ACM Limited) is a com­mer­cial debt col­lec­tion agency, which means we only col­lect on busi­ness to busi­ness accounts receiv­able. We will col­lect against indi­vid­u­als if they are per­son­ally liable for a busi­ness debt.

Our debt col­lec­tors take a cus­tom approach on each claim. They review all of the doc­u­men­ta­tion pro­vided by our clients before mak­ing the first call. A successful com­mer­cial debt col­lec­tor needs to under­stand how busi­nesses work and also should try to develop an under­stand­ing of the com­pany that owes the money and the indi­vid­ual they are con­tact­ing prior to call­ing. The more insight a debt col­lec­tor has when per­form­ing the col­lec­tion process, the higher the suc­cess rate.

Get­ting a debtor to talk is a key part of collecting the debt, so lis­ten­ing and let­ting them explain their sit­u­a­tion has mul­ti­ple ben­e­fits. We learn about the busi­ness, the per­son­al­ity of the per­son we are talk­ing to, and the names of other peo­ple who are involved that we may be able to lever­age later. We lis­ten care­fully to excuses and expla­na­tions, and ask ques­tions to fig­ure out what is real and what is a smoke­screen.

Once we under­stand the real rea­son they did not pay, we can come up with a strat­egy to collect the debt. We have an impressive suc­cess rate with claims against open busi­nesses. This rate is very high because our col­lec­tors are well trained, have many years of expe­ri­ence, lis­ten care­fully, and once they have fig­ured out how best to col­lect, they make it happen.

Call Us Now!

Tel: +357 22 46 55 00

Fax: +357 22 33 85 00

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  • 12, Demostheni Severi Av.
    Office 601, 6th Floor 1080 Nicosia, Cyprus
  • 4 Valaoritou Street,
    1st Floor, Kolonaki, 10671, Athens, Greece

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