Debt Collection Procedures

The debt col­lec­tion process at Americanos Debt Collection Management (ACM limited) is unique, result­ing in an impressive suc­cess rate. As we do not earn a fee unless we col­lect, we have focused on devel­op­ing the most suc­cess­ful col­lec­tion process, analy­sis and tech­niques to max­i­mize the recov­ery and the fee we earn from each viable claim. We use the latest state of the art debt management software to assist us in our tasks. Our debt col­lec­tors have 20+ years of col­lec­tion and busi­ness expe­ri­ence, with advanced legal and finance background. We purposefully concentrate on com­mer­cial col­lec­tions, which enables us to suc­cess­fully imple­ment our unique process at extremely com­pet­i­tive con­tin­gency rates.

The key to our success is our approach. Simple, clear and straightforward procedures. Our expert staff implement our procedures with professionalism and perseverance to attain the target, which is non other than collecting the debt for our clients.

Americanos Debt Collection Management (ACM limited)

Review infor­ma­tion from client
Research debtor
Ana­lyze & Develop Plan
Call plus mail, fax & email
Get debtor talking
Lis­ten, probe, understand
Personal visit
Nego­ti­ate to Success
Col­lect & Remit
All our efforts under our in-house law firm name
Regular update of client

Large Claim Expertise

Our staff are personally assigned to han­dle all large debt col­lec­tion mat­ters.

Debt Col­lec­tion Process

Our debt col­lec­tion effort starts with ver­i­fy­ing the con­tact infor­ma­tion pro­vided by our clients and gath­er­ing addi­tional infor­ma­tion on the busi­ness to be used by the debt col­lec­tor. We email, fax and mail a short demand let­ter to the debtor typ­i­cally within one busi­ness day of receiv­ing a claim by our in-house law firm. How­ever, the pri­mary com­mu­ni­ca­tion method in our debt col­lec­tion process is the tele­phone aug­mented by e-mail as appropriate.

When we can get the debtor on the phone, we find out through a series of ques­tions what the real rea­son is for unpaid bills. Deter­min­ing the real rea­son can have a dra­matic impact on the approach the debt col­lec­tor will use. Just sim­ply demand­ing the money typ­i­cally does not work. This often means get­ting a solid under­stand­ing of the debtor’s busi­ness, cur­rent busi­ness prospects, work­ing cap­i­tal posi­tion, secured debts, per­sonal guar­an­tees, etc. Once we have this infor­ma­tion and we under­stand why they aren’t pay­ing, we can come up with a strat­egy to get as much money as pos­si­ble as quickly as possible.

Dur­ing the debt col­lec­tion process, we may make dozens of phone calls. We are per­sis­tent and relent­less. There are sit­u­a­tions where we will call sev­eral times a day, from early morn­ing to mid-evening, try­ing to get a live per­son. We do not use com­put­er­ized pre­dic­tive dialers. We do not leave a mes­sage every time we call. Instead, the debt col­lec­tor uses their expe­ri­ence, their intu­ition, and the spe­cific debt col­lec­tion his­tory on the account to decide when to call, how often to call, and we’re all. We are dis­crete whenever talk­ing to some­one out­side of the busi­ness but at the same time the debtor usu­ally gets the mes­sage that we are in hot pur­suit. This alone makes debts owed to clients of Americanos Debt Collection Management (ACM Limited) moved to the top of the list for debtors.

Personal Visits
The secret of our high level of success is our custom of visiting the debtor personally and exhausting the possibilities of an amicable solution before advising the client to proceed with legal action.

We guarantee that a site visit will be made to the debtor’s premises free of charge within 48 hours if situated in Athens or Thessaloniki – Greece; Istanbul – Turkey; or Cyprus.

We can also provide scheduled visits in Morocco, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and other areas of the Middle East and North Africa.

Personal visits are instrumental in the collection procedure and achieve very favorable results. Apart from the pressure made on the debtor by a face to face meeting, often the debtor is more willing to enter into negotiations for a settlement and has more trust in the possibility of an amicable settlement. These visits are also vital in tracing the new whereabouts of debtors, and obtaining new contact details and information on the debtor.

Call Us Now!

Tel: +357 22 46 55 00

Fax: +357 22 33 85 00

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  • 12, Demostheni Severi Av.
    Office 601, 6th Floor 1080 Nicosia, Cyprus
  • 4 Valaoritou Street,
    1st Floor, Kolonaki, 10671, Athens, Greece

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